Curtain up for five cool storytelling variants with instructions for writing yourself. Hero's Journey Dave Lieber's V Formula Dale Carnegie's story formula Kishōtenketsu Colin Theriot's Viking Velociraptor Formula 1. Hero's Journey Hero dares to do something new, faces (his) demons, successfully returns to familiar surroundings and brings about changes. This is how the hero's journey, probably the best-known storytelling formula, can be summed up succinctly. But there is something more to the heroic epic. What is it? The hero's journey as a narrative pattern has existed in one form or another for as long as there have been people telling stories.
It was researched and thus made popular by the myth researcher Special Data Joseph Campbell. Julian explains exactly how the hero's journey works in his blog article on storytelling . Joseph Campbell's hero's journey is depicted as a circle, with all the stages the hero must go through: Hero's Journey Example of the Hero's Journey Stations What is important is that he has to leave his familiar surroundings and overcome a multitude of trials and conflicts on his journey. If this scheme reminds you of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and other epic stories, it's not surprising. The hero's journey is the most famous blueprint for blockbuster stories. Example In its company history , the outdoor clothing company Patagonia sends the brand's founder and climber Yvon Chouinard with the reader on a hero's journey.
It goes from youthful climbing in the San Fernando Valley to the first self-made climbing hardware and waves of layoffs in 1991 to the present. The fact that the founding story remains interesting to read despite its considerable length is because it appears authentic and even difficult times are not left out. Patagonia Patagonia's corporate history How to implement? The hero's journey has therefore established itself as the ultimate in marketing storytelling because it is entertaining and ideally offers identification potential for the customer (with the role of hero or mentor/helper). However, an often ignored problem with the hero's journey as a storytelling template is its scope. So that it doesn't become a hero's day trip, a few crises and trials have to be established and overcome. Your customers may not.